Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Thursday my wife and I will be traveling 3 hours away to see my family. It will be a good time with all of the food and family around - getting the chance to talk to those I haven't seen in a few months will really be nice.

Its difficult though, to try and spend time with family in two different areas of the state. I don't get to see my family that much, but I also wish that I could be in both places at once. Even though I see my wife's family almost daily, there is something special about seeing people on Thanksgiving and Christmas. For Christmas we have it worked out that we see my family on Christmas Eve and then return home to spend Christmas Morning with my wife's family. Thanksgiving is a bit more difficult because you can't exactly have Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday and then the same on Thursday (well, I guess you could but it wouldn't work out for us). So, we have come up with a plan to rotate where we go every year. Last year we spent Thanksgiving with my wife's family, and this year we will spend it with my family. It would be nice if we could all celebrate together, but in this day and age with people spread so far, its just not normally possible.

Tomorrow will be a good time to not only enjoy the company of our friends and family, but also contemplate the things that we are most thankful for. I am very thankful for my friends and family, but the thing I am most thankful for is that when I was lonely and thought no one cared there was someone who comforted me and stood with me. If you are feeling alone in this holiday season, and you don't think anyone cares - please be assured that someone does care and he is with you right now if you just ask him to be - his name is Jesus. I promise, he will never let you down. In his eyes, you are wonderful and you can never do anything that will make him not love you.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pets, A Blessing And A Curse

Pets - a blessing and a curse. My wife and I own three cats and a Great Dane. We love them, but they cost sooo much money! Especially when one of them needs medical attention - just like one did the other day.

One of our cats is pretty old - so old in fact that I don't remember her exact age, but I would guess it being at 16-18 years old. She's a wonderful animal but started stumbling like a drunken sailor the other day. She tried to stand up and walk to me when I entered "her" room, and she promptly fell over. Then we noticed some blood from one of her ears. Fear for my cat and my pocket book begins at this time.

So we took the cat to the vet and we were told that the cats ear drum had been punctured, probably due to an infection, and it was most likely causing the stumbling. It also caused something call Horners Disease which is when the nerve running from the ear down the side of the face gets inflamed. It makes the cat's pupil on that side of the face look smaller than normal and the "third eye lid" come across the eye. Not only that, but they discovered a growth on the ear drum that turned out to be cancerous.

So now, what do we do? Well, we were told that the type of cancer she has is usually a localized sort of thing, and although not good, doesn't immediately effect the cat. So we are going to just let things play out and see how the cat does - if the stumbling stops and the Horners Disease goes away, that would be great but who knows what is going to happen. We would love for our cat to be with us awhile longer and will keep her in our prayers - she's not just a cat, she's one of the family.

Here are some items that I like to get for the cats:


Monday, November 24, 2008

Baby On The Way

My wife and I are expecting a new baby boy to join us around the beginning of March 2009. It's a lot to take in. I'm the sort of person who likes to procrastinate and get things done about the time they are "due", instead of planning ahead to make sure all my ducks are in a row.

The new baby is trying to change that! Not only are we planning the baby's room, but all the accessories that babies apparently need, as well as day care needs after my wife and I go back to work.

What amazes me is the range of items that "need" to be purchased for the baby. Clothing, bottles, diapers, bedding, crib, stroller, high chair, and the list goes on. I am truly thankful for baby registries and showers! I don't think anyone can actually afford to have a child, but with the help of family and friends, it becomes much easier to get started.

Before my wife was pregnant, I wasn't sure if I wanted a boy or a girl - but now I know that it doesn't matter as long as the baby is healthy. Although there is something cool about having a "first born son", maybe I am just a biblical nut! I have started thinking of the things that I can do with him and teach him, its a very interesting time in my life and I hope that I can do what's right for him.

And my wife has been wonderful. She has been working many hours lately and I know that it has been tough the past few months. She is always tired but pushes on anyway to accomplish the things that need to be done.

We still have many things to prepare, and I know that the baby will be here before I know it. My only demand is that I get my own diaper Bag - perhaps in cammo or OD green - I don't need to be carrying around a "pretty" diaper bag!

I found some items that will probably prove useful in the coming months so I thought I'd share them:


Friday, November 21, 2008

A Possible Cure For Juvenile Diabetes?

There could be a cure for Type 1 Diabetes on the horizon. Are you familiar with Type 1 Diabetes? Not many people are.

Type 1 is often referred to as juvenile diabetes as it is diagnosed most often in children and young adults and makes up about 10% of the diagnosed diabetes cases. It occurs when the pancreas no longer produces insulin leading to the only treatment being one of injections for the rest of the patients life.

Someone close to me has Type 1 Diabetes so I know the daily routine that they must go through. At this point, it is just second nature to them and the way life is. Most patients either have to inject themselves several times a day with insulin or the alternative is to have an "insulin pump" which, around the size of a pager, constantly pumps small amounts of insulin into the body and allows the person to easily "dose" or inject more insulin when they have eaten. It is a very costly disease to have - there are needles and insulin to buy, as well as catheters and adhesives to purchase when using the pump. And if you don't have insurance, it can be unbearable - which do you buy, your insulin or your food? You need both to survive.

However, recently scientific studies may soon make this disease a thing of the past. It has been shown through researched performed at the Uiversity of California, San Francisco that that two cancer drugs, imatinib and sunitinib, have put Type 1 Diabetes into remission 80 percent of the time in lab mice and worked to permanently for 80 percent of mice that went into remission.

This could soon help a vast number of individuals once it goes to clinical trials, and I applaud the scientists that made this discovery.

The following are a few products that you may find useful for yourself or someone you care about:


Thursday, November 20, 2008

African Pirates

So I was reading the other day about the pirates that had taken a Saudi oil tanker and its crew hostage. They anchored off the coast of east Africa about 180 miles north of Somalia. The US as well as NATO have said that they are not sending ships to intercept the vessel.

What really caught my attention though, was the way that the local population where the ship is anchored embraces the pirates. The surrounding towns have been pretty much barren since there has been no central government in roughly 20 years. But the pirates are helping to invigorate the economy. Once they receive ransom money, they go ashore to purchase supplies and transfer that money into the waiting hands of small business owners.

The increase in funds has taken the people from that area from poverty to a level where they can can plan on making money. At least one woman indicated that she has even opened a layaway system for the pirates. They come in and take what they want, and she records it in a ledger - the pirates then repay the debt the next time they receive ransom money.

The growing economy, although based on fear and illegal activities, has led many to join the ranks of the pirates because they see it as their only way to a better lifestyle.

Here are a few items to really get you in the pirating mood! Arrrr!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thoughts on Local Economy

Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog.

Today I wanted to touch on local economy. This video was spurred on by a budget meeting I attended this evening which discussed the proposed up coming budget for my county.

Sorry about the video freaking out - I didn't realize it until after I had already made the video and I didn't have time (or energy) to go back and rerecord it. I still think that the content is relevant however.

Here are some reading material you may find interesting that are either economy or news related:

Please remember to follow me on Twitter and Pownce.

Also, please leave your comments. Let me know if you are enjoying the videos or not. If your not, please make suggestions. Should I just type my content or keep doing what I have been doing? What things do you want to hear about? Please let me know!



Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thoughts on the Auto Bailout

Hi, thanks for coming to my blog.

Today I wanted to do a video of my thoughts on the Auto Bailout. Be sure to leave comments and let me know what you think.

In these times, money is hard on everyone. Here are a few products that may save you some cash:

The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

The Total Money Makover is by Dave Ramsey and I have personally read it and can recommend it. He is a tough when it comes to making you take responsibility for your debt but he really cares about you.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Pownce and the other social networks I have linked on the right hand column of the blog.



Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thoughts on the GOP

Hello and thanks for stopping by,

Today's post contains my thoughts on the Republican party. I am not a political analyst, just a member of the GOP who sees some issues we need to fix.

Sorry about the "ummm..."'s during the video, I didn't realize I was doing it while filming - I think it was because I was shooting from the hip when recording (no script). I will try to knock it off for future posts.

Thanks for watching and don't forget to find me on Twitter and Pownce

Also, for some political gear you may want to check out the following:


Friday, November 14, 2008

Rant on TV Evangelists

Today I wanted to make a short video on TV Evangelists. The few that I have seen recently all seem to be selling video's or cd's - are you evangelizing or trying to grow your business?!

Anyway, here's my vid:

So, what do you think? Should TV Evangelists be selling their messages or giving them away? Have mega churches lead people away from true Christianity and into an entertainment business. Let me know what you think, I'm truly interested.

Also, you might find some of the following products useful:

Thanks for watching,


Don't forget to follow me on Twitter

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Social Networks

Hello Everyone,

I decided to do a video on social networks and my journey with them. I am discussing their use in forming relationships, as well as usage as a tool - and I also include my fears on management problems.

Check It Out!

Here are the Social Network links that I mentioned in my video:


I will try and get those permanently added to the blog's main page.

Thanks for watching,


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wine Tasting

Hey Everybody,

I was inspired by WineLibraryTV to do a little wine tasting post. The kicker is that I know nothing about wine other than I don't want to spend a lot and I want to enjoy what I drink. Unfortunately, I have not yet reached this point.

In the video I am reviewing Vendange California Cabernet Sauvignon which I purchased in a tetra pack for about $3.39. I hope you enjoy the video.

***Note*** Youtube must hate me, because everytime i upload this in divx format the video gets screwed up.

The following are a few wine related products you may find interesting:

Don't forget to check me out on twitter at

Thanks for watching!
